Venison mini burger with asparagus, wild mushrooms, ricotta cheese and crunchy bread

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Venison mini burger with asparagus, wild mushrooms, ricotta cheese and crunchy bread2021-10-11T12:29:51+02:00

Venison mini burger with asparagus, wild mushrooms, ricotta cheese and crunchy bread

  • CourseStarter
  • Preparation35'
  • Difficultymedium
  • Gameroe deer
  • Calories100 - 300
  • ActivityRunning M 25’, F 35’
  • Persons4


G 600 venison meat (roe deer)
G 40 red onion
N 2 anchovy
N 6 capers
G 200 fresh asparagus
G 200 wild mushrooms
G 3000 vegetable broth
G 100 ricotta cheese
½ French baguette
Garlic, extra virgin olive oil and lemon to taste


  • Mince the venison with a knife. Season with extra virgin olive oil, chopped red onion, chopped capers and chopped anchovies. Make the hamburgers using a cooking ring.
  • Cut the French baguette into thin slices, season with salt, extra virgin olive oil and pepper, toast them into oven.
  • Dice wild mushrooms and cook them with extra virgin olive oil and garlic, season with salt and pepper. Add vegetable broth and blend it using an immersion blender.
  • Peel the asparagus, cut some stalks into small slices with potato peeler and others in julienne strips.
  • Cook the hamburgers on both sides in a frying-pan, season with salt and pepper.
  • Spread the wild mushroom’s cream on a serving dish and arrange asparagus slice, hamburgers, ricotta cheese mashed with potato masher, julienne asparagus seasoned with oil and lemon juice and crunchy slices of bread.

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Other Info

Kcal 275*

*For every medium-low speed running activity (8Km/h), the AVERAGE calorie consumption is of approximately 8Kcal x Kg x height, considering an average female weight of 60Kg and an average male weight of 80 Kg.