Home/Second Course/WILD BOAR RIBS
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WILD BOAR RIBS2024-05-09T15:33:10+02:00


  • CourseSecond Course
  • Preparation4h 30’
  • Difficultymedium
  • Gamewild boar
  • Calories300 - 400
  • ActivityM 28’ F 39’
  • Persons4


G 800 wild boar slices
Extra virgin olive oil to taste
Salt and pepper to taste

For the aromatic mix
N 1 clove garlic
G 10 ginger
Honey to taste
Chili and rosemary to taste
Sage and thyme to taste
Tarragon and coriander to taste

For the topping

grass, dandelion to taste


  • Clean the aromatic herbs, peel the ginger and garlic. Crush the garlic and finely chop the herbs, garlic and ginger.
  • Clean the wild boar slices, savoury and peppery and after about 5’ brush with honey and cover with the aromatic mix.
  • Wrap the ribs 2 times in the foil and place on the top shelf of the barbecue with little embers underneath for about 4 h.
  • Remove the slices from the foil, storing the cooking juices and browning on hot embers.
  • Polish the ribs with the reduced cooking juices.
  • Arrange the browned ribs on the plate and finish with the bitter wild herbs.



Wine CouplingCesanese del Piglio DOCG

Other Info

Kcal 312*

*For every medium-low speed running activity (8Km/h), the AVERAGE calorie consumption is of approximately 8Kcal x Kg x height, considering an average female weight of 60 Kg and an average male weight of 80 Kg.